Centre d’Archives en Philosophie, Histoire et Édition des Sciences
Science et ignorance

« Science and Ignorance » online bibliographic database

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A Fund on « Science and Ignorance », consisting of nearly one hundred monographs and several hundred reprints, was set up at the CAPHÉS Documentary Centre in 2016 by Mathias Girel, Director of the Center. It offers a documentation on a field of research opened a few decades ago by historians, philosophers of science, sociologists and anthropologists in order to better understand the mechanisms of ignorance production, particularly in major health and environmental controversies.

Ill. 1 : Female workers saw corners from sheets of asbestos roofing in a Lancashire factory, 1918. By G. P. Lewis © IWM (Q 28246)

The online bibliographic database allows a collaborative watch on this subject, and your suggestions for additions and new acquisitions will be greatly appreciated. You can suggest new additions to the « Science and Ignorance » bibliographic database in the « New suggestions » folder, after joining the Zotero ScienceIgno group.

The online bibliography « Sociology of Ignorance » by Joanne Gaudet and that of Matthias Gross and Linsey McGoey (2014) remain essential starting points, which we consulted.

It was then enriched through a regular bibliographic watch, under the supervision of M. Girel and J. Solviche.

This first stage of the database would not have been possible without the contributions of Nathalie Jas, CNRS, IRISSO (UMR 7170 1427) and Didier Torny, CNRS, CSI – Mines ParisTech (CNRS UMR 9217).

We are also grateful to Stéphane Horel, whose investigative work has provided valuable documentation on conflicts of interest (Lobbytomie, Éditions de la découverte, 2019).

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Restrict the search to this specific fund by entering « (Caphes) Igno » in the « cote » field.

All texts retrieved in the Zotero bibliography are available in « hard copy » in the reading room, at CAPHÉS: Practical information

Read more : Ignorance Studies Research Notebook